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People All Over The World Have Fallen
In Love With The Art Of Muay Thai!

Your Members Will  Love It…

…And You Will Too!

The Muay Thai Fitness program is an effective, exhilarating, Thai-inspired, easy-to-follow, calorie-burning workout that is taking the fitness industry by storm. A dynamic cross-training program that features the safest muay thai drills in a non-contact format, Muay Thai Fitness achieves the perfect balance between:

  • Full-Body Cardio
  • Safe Muay Thai Drills
  • Fat-Burning Intervals
Muay Thai Fitness Delivers The Safest Way To Experience
The Most Intense Combat Sport Workout Without Contact!

Revgear and Katalin have worked together for over 17 years combining high-quality combat sports equipment with programming and education.  For over a decade their efforts have continuously bridged martial arts training and innovative fitness concepts. Keep your group fitness & athletics program evolving by adding muay thai fitness classes.

Mission of  Muay Thai Fitness Certification

Provide a motivating, dynamic & technical representation of the safest and most used muay thai movements to improve the overall fitness level of the participants, while promoting the art of Muay Thai.

Become an Instructor!

Vision of  the Muay Thai Fitness Program

Muay Thai Fitness is intended to be a an entry level training program that features the fundamentals of muay thai in a high intensity training format.  It welcomes all levels and offers training formats that can easily be scaled for a wide range of levels.  Muay Thai Fitness offers an 'anyone-can-do-it' type of energy.

Purchase the Program!

sponsors revgear

Revgear Sports is the sponsor of Muay Thai Fitness.  They are manufacturers of the highest quality professional combat sports gear.  Muay Thai Fitness utilizes Forearm Kick Shields and 12 oz. boxing gloves.  The Muay Thai Fitness program incorporates their heavy bags and other pieces

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